“I don’t think there are many Jews—fanatics and ill-informed excepted—who are not fascinated by the Person and Teaching of Jesus. Perhaps much more so than many Gentiles and so-called ‘Christians.’ I might add that the approach of Jews to Christianity can only be made via the Message of Jesus....There is now a growing sense of inquiry here [in Israel], concerning the things of Jesus and Christianity. The reasons being that prejudices are dying down....there is a growing tendency within Christendom to make room for the rise of the Antichrist. He will be an imitator of Christ, of Jesus, whose teachings he will twist and pervert.”1
Israeli professor of Jewish studies, David Flusser
Israeli professor of Jewish studies, David Flusser
"In the Diaspora Jesus looked alien to the Jew, an outsider, an interloper. But in Israel he is seen as the Jew from Nazareth, a native of this country, a Sabra, with claims to the land as strong as any. He cannot be brushed aside as a foreign influence....When the Jews left their land two thousand years ago, the land was holy for them alone; when they returned, the land was holy also to more than half of the world. The land had become sanctified in the meantime to millions and millions of non-Jews. The same applies to the Bible which had been a book holy to the Jews alone and which has become a holy book for millions of non-Jews. Both the Book and the Land have become sanctified to the world and this was not the work of the Diaspora Jews who, in spite of the injunction, did not become ‘a light to the Gentiles,’ but was the work rather of a single Jew and his band of Jewish followers, all of them Sabras. They were all born and bred in the Land, which is in this sense the most fruitful land on earth.”2
English scholar and professor, Ferdynand Zweig
English scholar and professor, Ferdynand Zweig
“If you’re a Jew who believes that Yeshua is the Messiah, you’ve returned to Judaism, to the kind of Judaism the Bible teaches. You haven’t converted to another religion. If you are a Gentile believer you have come to the faith of Abraham through the Messiah.”3
Second generation Messianic Jewess, Ruth Fleischer, Ph.D.
Second generation Messianic Jewess, Ruth Fleischer, Ph.D.